How to Tie Feathered Treble Hooks

It’s happened to all of us, you start changing the hooks on a lure, only to find yourself stuck with a junk rear hook simply because it has feathers on it. The feathered trebles you find at the store are no better, you can’t find them tied on the right hook, in the right size, or the color you want. Luckily, tying your own is a simple process. Watch the video below to learn how


-Fly Tying Thread (for demonstration purposes I used 80# braid in the video)
-Super Glue
-Neck Hackle is the most common
-Marabou works well for adding bulk
-Rooster saddle feathers are great for adding color or wrapping over marabou

-Fly Tying Vise (Highly Recommended) ~$20
-Bobbin (holds thread, really convenient) ~$2.50